How Administrator Manage The Office Professionally (Administrative and Clerical Skills) Workshop by Aslini Abdullah
Date: 28 & 29 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
To enhance and upgrade individuals to perform their jobs confidently through effective working skills, appropriate knowledge and the right attitude.
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Deal with daily tasks efficiently with better productivity
• Identify problems and propose solutions to daily problems at work
• Apply communication skills for better rapport at work and also with customers and visitors
• File appropriately in order to get their job more organized
• Manage paperwork effectively for better productivity
• Exhibit leadership skills in order to lead the team appropriately
• Delegated effectively in order to get the job done on time and meticulously
Program Content:

Effective time management
• Golden rules for effecive time management
• Relating to goals and clarifying priorities
• Planning and scheduling for results
• How to identify and avoid time wasters
• Overcoming procrastination and indecision
• Using the time log
• Dealing with deadlines
• Tackling large tasks
• Setting undisturbed time

Problem-Solving Techniques and Decision-making
• Identifying causes of problems at work
• Developing process of work
• Brainstorming, mind-mapping and cause & effect diagram
• Evaluating alternatives
• Implementing the decision

Interpersonal Skills and engagement-Creating the customer’s experience
• Knowing the timing requirements
• Being one step ahead
• Skill of understanding through attentiveness
• Skillful listening
• Obtaining feedback

Developing rapport through magic phrases
• Greetings of new and existing customers
• End with finesse
• Being empathic
• Phrases for beyond customer’s expectations

Handling office administration-Managing paperwork effectively
• Prioritizing smartly according to deadlines
• Handling incoming and outgoing mails
• Identifying and highlighting key issues in memos and letters
• Handling faxes urgently

Importance of record keeping and filing
• Purpose of recording and filing
• Identifying documents for recording and filing
• Consequences of poor recording and filing
• Drawing up proper recording system
• Developing record book
• Proper storage of records

Filing efficiently and effectively
• Filing chronologically, alphabetically or regionally
• Sequencing letters, memos and documents appropriately
• Separating and differentiating copies and original documents
• Bring forward system
• Developing file management checklist

Managing task effectively
• Typing, photostating, mailing and binding
• Developing a daily task schedule
• Developing a job book
• Identifying and dealing with time wasters
• Workable and conducive working table

Developing your potential as a leader- and not just an Administrative assistant
• Understanding styles of leadership
• Task vs relationship oriented
• The three needs as a leader-individual, group and task
• Qualities of a leader
• Management Skills

Delegating effectively
• Understanding what is delegation
• Fears of delegation
• Techniques of delegation
• Monitoring subordinate’s performance
• Benefits of delegation to delegator and delegatee

Interactive Workshop
Who Must Attend:
Administrators and Clerks
Investment Fees:
RM1,600.01 (Including 8.00% Service Tax) per participant (Standard Fee)
RM1,400.00 (Including 8.00% Service Tax) per participant (Early Bird Fee, register by 22 August 2024)

Group incentive: Register 3 participants from the same organization, the 4th participant is FREE. (Buy 3 Get 1 Free)
There are 3 methods to register for this training:
  1. Kindly click here for online registration. Register Now.
  2. Kindly download this registration form, and fill up all the particulars. Please fax back to +6-03-6270-9993. Click here to download Registration Form (177KB).
  3. Call us to register. Tel: +6-03-6270-9883.
This Training Programme is HRD Corp Claimable Course *Subject to HRD Corp Terms & Conditions.

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We Are An Approved Training Provider Under HRD Corp Claimable Course With Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp)