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Welcome To TrainingZone
Many organisations in Malaysia realise that to excel in today's competitive market, we must have highly skilled and well-trained employees within the teams. Professional skills, information, and knowledge are now a pre-requisite in the corporate or business world. Training employees has become a core strategy for many companies to motivate and re-energize their employees to peak performance.

At TrainingZone, we focus on providing the best possible high quality training and development programmes that will deliver high performance results for our customers. We are continuously driven to be the training provider that you can depend on for all your training needs.
Latest Training Programmes:
Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 5 & 6 August 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Decision Making & Root Cause Analysis Workshop By Tee Keng Chai, Casey

This training workshop adopts a common sense approach to effective and proven problem solving and decision making and provides a wealth of effective techniques in root cause analysis which can be applied and implemented immediately on the job.

The approach presented in this workshop is a simple and easy-to-use problem solving and decision making process which is explained in a step- by- step fashion.

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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 5 & 6 August 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Mentoring & Coaching Skills Workshop By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Mentoring is a process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches, sponsors, encourages, counsels and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the purpose of promoting the latter’s professional and/or personal development.

Mentoring functions are carried out within the context of an ongoing, supportive relationship between the mentor and mentee. Counseling and coaching are skills that can be learned through persistence and patience. If you have a sincere desire to develop and support others and the self-discipline to practice the specific strategies, you can become proficient in these areas.

The rewards from improving your counseling and coaching skills are many. In our professional life, we can use these skills to create optimal working conditions which include: proper orientation and training for employees, establishing clear responsibilities and standards, providing appropriate guidance and support during times of transition and insuring increased motivation and productivity through effective feedback.

To enhance managers or supervisors on behavioral coaching skills with appropriate techniques in order to build better rapport with the staff and ultimately to produce efficient and effective work.

Behavioral Coaching is the key to creating a more open organization, one that values people- their skills, ideas and contribution- and genuinely seeks to empower individuals. To have effective behavioral coaching it must happen at every level in the organization.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 7 & 8 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Multi-Tasking and Time Management Skills By Aslini Abdullah
Do you feel stressed about the number of tasks you need to get done and feel like you can never seem to get on top of things? Has it ever seemed like there aren’t enough hours in the day?

Do you feel that you are lost and don’t know where to go?
In this course we examine what effective time management really means and what each of us has to do to achieve it. We look at the importance of having a clear life vision in order to help us use our time wisely and the specific goals and objectives that will help us actualize this vision. 

Participants are introduced to a wide range of time management tools and techniques, they are given time to consider which ones are appropriate for their lifestyle and then practice them in a fun and supportive environment. In the final topic of this course participants, prepare their action plan for long term change and improve productivity.

This Multi-Tasking & Time Management training is designed to help participants develop their skills in time management to achieve more effective results in less time.

One of the most repeated phrases you will hear in offices up and down the country is "we don't have enough time" - to which the response is often "work harder!" - Leading to overtime, stress - and often a poorly done job! Developing techniques to make more intelligent use of time, and to prioritize and effectively manage a challenging workload can lead to a more productive workforce getting more important work done in less time and with less stress!

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Devindran A/L Raju
Date: 7 & 8 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Shipping Procedures, Documentation & INCOTERMS 2020 Workshop By Devindran A/L Raju
Knowledge of import and export procedures is a key part of the supply chain process. Various types of documentations are involved in export & import activities. It is therefore important to understand the role of each document and its requirements in international trade. Exporter/Importer are also required to comply the documentary requirement of exporter /importer and his country. 

These requirements also keep on changing. Irregular documents creates problems and result into delay in delivery of the goods.  Incoterms are authoritative rules for determining how costs and risks are allocated to the parties and can significantly reduce misunderstandings among traders, thereby minimize trade disputes and litigation. 

This 2 days workshop will provide a complete and comprehensive insight into import & export procedures, Shipping Documentation & Incoterms. The course will suit both beginners and those who have more than a basic understanding of import & export regulations.
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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 9 August 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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The Employment Laws Of Malaysia (EA 1955, LO Sabah 2004, LO Sarawak 2005) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah
The Employment Laws covers the minimum terms and conditions of employment for ALL employees at ALL levels from top management to lowest level employees.

It is a basic human rights law for employer-employee relationships and must be known by all employers.

It also provides some obligations and limitations from both employer and employee particularly in terms of work hours and OT and the administration of benefits. 

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 12 & 13 August 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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The 7 Core Leadership Competency Workshop By Tee Keng Chai, Casey
This intensive two days training is a highly interactive workshop designed for new assistant managers and newly hired managers. Comprehensive supervisory and managerial and leadership training will cover the proven people management techniques and powerful strategies to lead and influence people. At the end of this training, your participants will master the 7 core competency of an effective manager and become stronger, more confident and respected leader.

Core competencies are the capabilities that are essential to a business achieving competitive advantage. They are the skill set and experience of the business activity, rather than physical or financial assets. It is essential for all management employees to be able to identify, develop and implement their company’s core competencies to sustain their company’s long-term competitive advantage.
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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 14 & 15 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Multiply Your Productivity At Work By Aslini Abdullah

Productivity is an essential element towards achieving company’s objectives. A typical successful organization will always reward advancement to those who are able to achieve and exceed desired results. It is not surprising those who are only able to achieve minimum standards will be identified for something less in the company.

The normal concern is how do we increase productivity with the existing resources? If it is left unattended, we are definitely looking at inefficient and ineffective human capital.

In order to achieve the desired results within the shortest possible time will lead to managing and organizing ourselves.

With proper managing of self, superiors, communications and relations, prioritizing of work and decision-makings, anyone can achieve a desired output and ultimately have a sense of accomplishment.

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Devindran A/L Raju
Date: 14 & 15 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Store/Warehouse & Inventory Management Workshop By Devindran A/L Raju
Stores/Warehouses and Inventory Management are critical for the effective management of procurement and the supply chain to enable the efficient delivery of superior customer service. An enterprise’s success can be greatly affected by the efficiency of its stores operations; efficient stores management can save money, help retain customers and maintain continuous operations; but stores mis-management can lose an enterprise money, customers and production.. Inventories constitute a significant portion of most firms’ assets. 

Hence, effective and efficient management of inventories is one of the most vital functions for a successful organisation. Effective Inventory Management can be the watershed for their success or demise in these times. This course focuses on the operational and strategic management of warehouse and inventory. It covers the most important aspects of Stock Control from warehouse design, operation, control and effective inventory management.

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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 16 August 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Balanced Scorecard For Human Resources (HR) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah

This adage has long been known to bring about results.  

The programme describes how to set KPIs at all levels including at the individual level.

It also shows the role of management to get employees to achieve their KPIs.

It sets the customer as the focus of all employee efforts.

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 19 & 20 August 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Mastering The Art Of Powerful Presentation Skills By Tee Keng Chai, Casey

This workshop is designed to train those who need to present to others in terms of knowledge, information and skills. Participants will learn practical and effective steps right from the preparation to the final delivery of the presentation. Over and above equipping the presenters with techniques , this course also aims to teach participants the keys to making presentation interesting , more fun and exciting.

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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 19 & 20 August 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Project Management Workshop By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
A project is a series or interrelated tasks leading to a definite end. We spend a large proportion of our time juggling projects ranging from writing a report to launching a new product. Smaller projects can be dealt with by writing the individual tasks on our daily to-do lists, while larger projects require a more sophisticated approach. It is these larger projects on which we will concentrate. There are three stages in managing a project: planning, controlling and evaluating. If we fail to manage these three stages effectively, the project may well end up in the project graveyard.
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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 21 & 22 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Improve Office Filing & Record Management Workshop By Aslini Abdullah
Filing & Record Management is part of an effective office management system. Paper work overload in office is a daily challenge in most company. Records/Paperworks need to be kept for regulation purpose and also for future reference. Without a strategy or know how to file/store those massive paperwork, it would be a nightmare in most company. It must also be easy to locate any paperwork as needed. 

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 26 & 27 August 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Improve Productivity, Personal Leadership & Inner Mastery Workshop By Tee Keng Chai, Casey
We’ve seen many leaders and individuals suddenly scramble or feel distressed when faced with an unexpected turn of events or unwanted outcome, whether they work in the corporate sectors , run a family business or lead a department or company. They also begin to struggle in their personal relationships and are more reactive in their decision making when it comes to challenging life and business circumstances.

These are usually the tell-tale signs that these individuals haven’t yet started on a journey of inner mastery.

What Is Personal Leadership?
Personal Leadership involve developing the confidence and strength to set realistic goals and fulfil your potential. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and a range of skills that are used in everyday situations, but all too often people remain unaware of, or undervalue, their true abilities.

Self-empowerment workshop is fast becoming a popular approach for many organisations to improve professional and team effectiveness as well as organisational productivity. Self Leadership help develop key capabilities in excellent leadership: Clarity, Focus, Creativity and Compassion. Team Leaders excel further when they could integrate mindfulness, self-awareness and social awareness with effective techniques of management and mentorship. 

In developing self-leadership, participants will realise they how can create the space for growth and empowerment, both for themselves and others in the organisation, leading to positive work performance, more cohesive teams and higher productivity.

What Is Inner Mastery?
Mastery is defined as the comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity. Simply stated, mastery learning is a process where a learner masters a topic or concept before advancing to the next level of proficiency.

According to Dr. Richard Moss in The Mandala of Being, humans experience four holding environments: the womb, post-birth, leaving home and "the present moment." Experiences from the preceding holding zone are carried forward to the next, and all decisions, actions and reflections are therefore informed by the past. We embark on a journey and then change jobs, start different businesses, learn different subjects/skills and change values, as per the current environment. We do all of this without really achieving mastery in one before moving on to the next.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 28 & 29 August 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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How Administrator Manage The Office Professionally (Administrative and Clerical Skills) Workshop By Aslini Abdullah
To enhance and upgrade individuals to perform their jobs confidently through effective working skills, appropriate knowledge and the right attitude.
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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 2 & 3 September 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Analytical Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat

To improve individual's analytical skills by using various models that are introduced.

To develop and improve the participants? ability to visualize, articulate, solve complex problems and concepts, and make decisions that make sense based on knowledge, skills and information. Such skills include demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, generating potential alternatives, designing and testing solutions to problems, and formulating plans.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 4 & 5 September 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Enhancing Self-Esteem and Confidence To Become Excellent Performer By Aslini Abdullah

Self esteem discusses issue such as who we really are and how much we value ourselves. It helps us to understand the way we think, our attitude and behavior based on our belief system in life. By understanding who we really are at work and outside the work environment, we realize our true goal. This helps us to enhance our career and personal satisfaction to lead a more meaningful and fruitful life.

Discover your self image, inner strength and uniqueness by participating in this highly practical training program. It will answer questions about the image you portray at work and how you can further enhance your self esteem and confidence to become an excellent performer.

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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 6 September 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Job Evaluation For Human Resources (HR) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Almost everyone in a profit-oriented organisation works because of compensation and benefits. 

Employees look for a certain minimum compensation to meet their cost of living expenses and thereafter to be compensated according to market conditions. Besides this employees expect to be given a fair compensation in comparison to others. Employees also want to know their salary structure as part of having a secure career plan.
Employers on the other hand need a proper compensation plan to attract and retain employees. A properly developed salary structure will be useful for planning and budgeting purposes. 

The programme starts off with compensation decisions, followed by job evaluation to determine an internally equitable salary structure in tandem with the market. 

Participants get to experience the detailed hands-on process of evaluating jobs and the management of the various aspects of compensation through experiential workshop exercises led by a facilitator with practical work and training experience. 

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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 9 & 10 September 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Have A Nice EQ Day!! (Emotional Intelligence Seminar) By Tee Keng Chai, Casey

Would you like to be more effective in your work and in your personal life?

In today's fast-paced world of competitive workplaces and turbulent economic conditions, each of us is searching for effective tools that can help us manage, adjust, and strike out ahead of the rest.

By now, emotional intelligence (EQ) needs little introduction? EQ research and experience validate its importance as a critical factor in personal and business success. The need for emotional intelligence increases with higher levels of responsibility, such as management or parenthood, and becomes even more important with groups, such as work teams. EQ is not just important, but absolutely necessary for us to make good decisions, take action to solve problems, cope with change, and succeed.

Have a nice EQ day is a step-by-step program for increasing your emotional intelligence using the four core EQ skills - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. With that, we are one step ahead in achieving goals and living our life to the fullest.

Your course leader ? Mr. Aaron Lee is certified EQ trainer by 6 seconds International, USA. Beside hands on EQ experience, Aaron also carries out in-depth academic research in emotional intelligence as he pursues his PhD in this field.

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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 9 & 10 September 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Enhancing Leadership Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat

Leaders are self-confident and inspire self-confidence in others. Leaders project personal dynamism. Leaders know how to speak in a way that moves others to action. Leaders know how to nurture and coach others. They help others to be more creative. Leaders build teamwork among their followers.

Leadership deals with persuading, inspiring, motivating others, and spearheading useful changes. A leader creates a sensible vision for others, and then directs them toward achieving that vision. To be a leader, the people they are attempting to lead must have confidence in them and give them their support and commitment. They need support and commitment to achieve company objectives, as well as those of their own organisational unit.

To enable managers to develop their leadership skills by encouraging and inspiring individuals and teams to give their best to achieve a desired result.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 11 & 12 September 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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How To Continuously Improve Performance At Work By Aslini Abdullah

This workshop will enable executives to identify core competencies that enables them to become peak performers at work. It also helps them understand the true concepts of performance evaluation and how they can play an effective role to contribute positively towards organizational growth.


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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 18 & 19 September 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Professional Secretaries In Business Environment By Aslini Abdullah
To foster better working relationship between bosses and secretaries through appropriate Communication & Interpersonal skills techniques. The quality of the ultimate working relationship will be made up of countless small incidents which demonstrate to each of the secretary  what to expect from the other.

The secretary of today is strongly positive, capable of carrying out responsibilities beyond her normal scope of duties, has strong initiatives, is quite capable of stepping into an executive position, and is constantly upgrading herself. As the secretary is also a self-motivated person, she is able to overcome stress and solve problems strategically, and this is a great asset to any boss.
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Tee Keng Chai, Casey
Date: 23 & 24 September 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Leadership & Management Tools: Sun Tzu's Art Of War Principles By Tee Keng Chai, Casey

Will your managers be ready for the new responsibilities, competition and challenges of the 21st century. Will your managers earn the respect of those under their supervision. Will those who promoted the managers be pleased with their performance. The answers lie in how the managers go about motivating, leading and building relationship with those they supervise.  

Today's managers are required to create a positive working climate, make quality decisions, demonstrate effective skills in handling a wide variety of human problems, manage time, set priorities, mould employees from different cultures into a team and show excellent leadership in their managerial style.  

Common sense will help your managers somewhat in becoming good managers. However, to make a really successful manager, one needs the kind of knowledge and skills that Sun Tzu's Art of War provides.  

Sun Tzu's Art of War offers the most comprehensive and effective way to manage a team in the Malaysian environment. The leadership and management principles of Sun Tzu's Art of War are well received by the world.  

Sun Tzu's Art of War is the oldest and most well known military manual in the world. Politicians, military experts and businessmen throughout history have all regarded Sun Tzu's Art of War as an important source of wisdom and their secret weapon for victory  

Today, we have witnessed how the application of Sun Tzu's principles have expanded beyond the battlefield into everyday life. Its influence is felt not only in military and state administration, but also in business, public relations, sales, marketing, corporate strategies, diplomacy and even sports.  

Thus, we can see how flexible Sun Tzu's strategizing principles can be applied, making it a useful resource for anyone desiring to meet any challenge.

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Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat
Date: 23 & 24 September 2024 (Monday & Tuesday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Mentoring, Coaching And Counseling Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat

Mentoring is a process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches, sponsors, encourages, counsels and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the purpose of promoting the latter?s professional and/or personal development. Mentoring functions are carried out within the context of an ongoing, supportive relationship between the mentor and mentee.

Counseling and coaching are skills that can be learned through persistence and patience. If you have a sincere desire to develop and support others and the self-discipline to practice the specific strategies, you can become proficient in these areas.

The rewards from improving your counseling and coaching skills are many. In our professional life, we can use these skills to create optimal working conditions which include: proper orientation and training for employees, establishing clear responsibilities and standards, providing appropriate guidance and support during times of transition and insuring increased motivation and productivity through effective feedback.

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Aslini Abdullah
Date: 25 & 26 September 2024 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Training Needs Analysis Workshop By Aslini Abdullah

To provide proper skills and techniques in order to develop training needs analysis according to organizational needs.

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Pagadala Cyril Papiah
Date: 27 September 2024 (Friday)
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
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EPF Act 1991, SOCSO Act 1969, EIS 2018 and OSHA1994 By Pagadala Cyril Papiah
 For the purpose of this training, the following laws are covered:

(1) The EPF Act 1991 is a mandatory retirement scheme for employees. This requires contribution by both employer and employee. It has benefits for employees 
(2) The SOCSO Act 1969 is a mandatory insurance scheme for employees for employment injury or invalidity (non-employment injury).This requires contribution by both employer and employee. Its has benefits for employees  

(3) The EIS (Employment Insurance System 2018) is a mandatory insurance scheme for all retrenched employees. This requires contribution by both employer and employee. It has benefits for employees 

(4) The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA) mandates the appointment and functions of the Safety Officer and The Safety Committee in certain industries. This is of benefit to employer and employer as it aims to make the organisation a safe place to work.   

This is a comprehensive training covering all relevant areas of EPF, SOCSO and EIS concerning employer and employee deductions and contributions according to the specified rates. Employers will also be able to advise their employees about the benefits and assist them in their claims. 

The training also covers the functions of the Safety Officer and Safety Committee in an organization; and other safety issues     

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