Date: 13 & 14 February 2025 (Thursday & Friday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Have A Nice EQ Day!! (Emotional Intelligence Seminar) By Tee Keng Chai, Casey |
Would you like to be more effective in your work and in your personal life?
In today's fast-paced world of competitive workplaces and turbulent economic conditions, each of us is searching for effective tools that can help us manage, adjust, and strike out ahead of the rest.
By now, emotional intelligence (EQ) needs little introduction? EQ research and experience validate its importance as a critical factor in personal and business success. The need for emotional intelligence increases with higher levels of responsibility, such as management or parenthood, and becomes even more important with groups, such as work teams. EQ is not just important, but absolutely necessary for us to make good decisions, take action to solve problems, cope with change, and succeed.
Have a nice EQ day is a step-by-step program for increasing your emotional intelligence using the four core EQ skills - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. With that, we are one step ahead in achieving goals and living our life to the fullest. |
Date: 17 & 18 February 2025 (Monday & Tuesday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Management & Leadership Skills for Supervisors & Managers By Aslini Abdullah |
This intensive two-day workshop is a highly interactive workshop designed for supervisors/managers who want to grow their management skills fast - and get on the fast track to achieving leadership success. Comprehensive leadership training will cover the proven management techniques and powerful strategies you need to become a stronger, more confident and respected leader.
You'll learn how to handle dozens of key management challenges with ease, including how to establish credibility and authority fast, how to motivate employees to give 110 percent, how to handle attitude problems and rule-breakers, how to curb absenteeism and tardiness, how to give constructive feedback and how to conduct effective performance appraisals.
As a workshop bonus, you'll receive self-assessment tools, handy checklists, the Leadership Style Analysis and numerous other resources that give you insight into how to build on your supervisory strengths.
Why risk your career by stumbling along, learning management skills by trial and error when you can get up to speed fast on essential management techniques and strategies? The management skills and knowledge you need to succeed are only a 2-day workshop away!
Date: 20 & 21 February 2025 (Thursday & Friday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Achieving Productivity Through Efficiency & Effectiveness By Aslini Abdullah |
Productivity is an essential element towards achieving company’s objectives. A typical successful organization will always reward advancement to those who are able to achieve and exceed desired results. It is not surprising, those who are only able to achieve minimum standards will be identified for something less in the company.
The normal concern is how do we increase productivity with the existing resources? If it is left unattended, we are definitely looking at inefficient and ineffective human capital.
In order to achieve the desired results within the shortest possible time will lead to managing and organizing ourselves.
With proper managing of self, superiors, communications and relations, prioritizing of work and decision-makings, anyone can achieve a desired output and ultimately have a sense of accomplishment.
Date: 24 & 25 February 2025 (Monday & Tuesday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Improve Your ``5Cs Skills`` At Work By Aslini Abdullah |
What are 5Cs Skills. The 5Cs skills are Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Commitment and Co-operation:
1. The ability to apply creative thinking to the gathering and analyzing of information. 2. The ability to look at problems critically 3. The ability to communicate effectively that make sense based on available information. 4. The ability to commit yourself to do an excellent job 5. The ability to co-operate with others and therefore others love to work with you.
Are you flooded with information and new knowledge on a daily basis? Unsure how to assess the credibility of new information? Not 100% confident you’re making valid decisions? With interactive learning, combined with discussion, lecture, and case studies, this is your opportunity to learn creative skills to solve problem and make decisions to the best advantage of your business and career.
Whether you are a new or an experienced staff, this workshop is designed to enable you to develop the critical core abilities essential to success.
Date: 26 & 27 February 2025 (Wednesday & Thursday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Administrative & Office Management Skills Workshop By Aslini Abdullah |
Very often, executive secretaries, administrators & clerical personnel are not told- they have one of the most, if not the most important job in the company. They are being entrusted to hold fort, and single-handedly manage the day to day operations and tasks of the company’s top leadership.
Most of their days incorporate tasks which are ad hoc; but this training will mould them to understand that there are many things in life that we are unable to control, or change, but the only thing we are able to manage, is our mind. The reason an average executive secretaries / administrative personnel would get rattled at the slightest challenge in life is poor mental conditioning. The mind is like a car which needs to be well oiled and constantly serviced. If we fill our minds with negativity, any amount of relaxation activities will not bear fruit. Hence, the crux of this training is to empower secretaries and administrators to realise that the rejuvenation happens from within. Clear thoughts leads to a focused mind, which operates at its optimum.
This workshop serves as a tool for the participants to understand the importance of their jobs, learn the cardinal rules of dealing with people, telephone etiquette, time management and a variety of other skills which improve their on-the-job performance. As a result, companies can ensure that their service standards will always be uniformly upheld, whilst boasting a superior five-star clerical / administrative personnel.
Date: 3 & 4 March 2025 (Wednesday & Thursday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Enhancing Leadership Skills At Work By Raja Abdul Halim Raja Shah Kobat |
Leaders are self-confident and inspire self-confidence in others. Leaders project personal dynamism. Leaders know how to speak in a way that moves others to action. Leaders know how to nurture and coach others. They help others to be more creative. Leaders build teamwork among their followers.
Leadership deals with persuading, inspiring, motivating others and spearheading useful changes. A leader creates a sensible vision for others, and then directs them towards achieving that vision. To be a leader, the people they are attempting to lead must have confidence in them and give them their support and commitment. They need support and commitment to achieve company objectives, as well as those of their own organizational unit.
To enable managers to develop their leadership skills by encouraging and inspiring and teams to give their best to achieve a desired result.
Date: 7 March 2025 (Friday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
Balanced Scorecard For Human Resources (HR) By Pagadala Cyril Papiah |
This adage has long been known to bring about results.
The programme describes how to set KPIs at all levels including at the individual level.
It also shows the role of management to get employees to achieve their KPIs.
It sets the customer as the focus of all employee efforts.
Date: 14 March (Friday) |
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm |
Venue: |
EPF Act 1991, SOCSO Act 1969, EIS 2018 and OSHA1994 By Pagadala Cyril Papiah |
For the purpose of this training, the following laws are covered:
(1) The EPF Act 1991 is a mandatory retirement scheme for employees. This requires contribution by both employer and employee. It has benefits for employees (2) The SOCSO Act 1969 is a mandatory insurance scheme for employees for employment injury or invalidity (non-employment injury).This requires contribution by both employer and employee. Its has benefits for employees
(3) The EIS (Employment Insurance System 2018) is a mandatory insurance scheme for all retrenched employees. This requires contribution by both employer and employee. It has benefits for employees
(4) The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA) mandates the appointment and functions of the Safety Officer and The Safety Committee in certain industries. This is of benefit to employer and employer as it aims to make the organisation a safe place to work.
This is a comprehensive training covering all relevant areas of EPF, SOCSO and EIS concerning employer and employee deductions and contributions according to the specified rates. Employers will also be able to advise their employees about the benefits and assist them in their claims.
The training also covers the functions of the Safety Officer and Safety Committee in an organization; and other safety issues